Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ok... Here we go....

Heres to the successful completion of my 2010 Graduation Collection wow i cant beleive im finally here....... pop whoosh......clink clink....oh i love veuve cliquet.......Now i just want to say a big thankyou to everyone who supported me through this time - My friends family peers and lecturers at Tafe and especially my wonderful partner Mark.... im so happy to see my collection completed, finished and perfect - everything has gone smoothly and wonderfully... im so happy..... clink clink... for he's a jolly good fellow for hes a jolly good fellow.... click click click click click... oh ok you can take my photo for the cover of Vogue.... clink click clink click clink click beep beep beep beep beep beep..........................................why does the camera sound like an alarm? wait why am i laying down during my graduation? Oh crap... i was dreaming!!!!

So here we are.... in the computer room at Tafe Marleston campus. This is a quite a special sentance becuase in a few weeks time I, or any other student, wont be able to say that as we are all moving our needles and threads to the city Tafe campus on currie st. Exciting - Yes!

This blog is going to help me document the final process of my education - The conception and completion of a collection of garments to showcase at the end of year graduation parade!

I will input my highs and lows, my smiles and possibly tears, photos and thoughts that occur along the way........

Right.... now...... what should i write next.... hmm..... coffee?